Training and Events

All training is for UCU Stirling Branch members only.

Quote from a member, discussing her attendance on a UCU Scotland training course:  “The training was excellent and summary of important information most helpful. For those who want to be more involved, it is essential.” Why not come and see for yourself how useful our training courses can be, in your daily life, as well as when you are representing UCU? If you are interested in a specific type of course, please contact, who will find out which courses in that field are being run, and where they are being held. A variety of courses are running throughout the year, spread over the UK.

UCU Scotland CPD courses and training opportunities:

H&S Reps 1. 18, 19 and 20 February 2025. 9.30am – 4.30pm, in person (Edinburgh).   
This course is for new health and safety reps, or those who have been in the role sometime but have never been trained, along with those in the branch who want to further understand the role, and legislation that enables health and safety reps to hold institutions to account.  

Reps 2 – Representing UCU members: 27 February, 6 and 13 March 2025, online, Southern region. Anyone wishing to attend this course should have completed a Reps 1 course first and 13 March 2025, online, Southern region. Anyone wishing to attend this course should have completed a Reps 1 course first.

Bargaining for a Green New Deal. 12 March 2025. 9.30am – 4.30pm, in person (probably Glasgow).  

This course is for all members interested in bargaining around environmental issues. The course will help reps navigate UCU Green New Deal bargaining advice and enable you to work on a potential claim to the employer along with looking at a deep organising approach to any campaign strategy. 

Reps 1: Introduction to UCU. 22, 23 and 24 April 2025, 9.30am – 4.30pm, in person (probably Dundee).   
This course is aimed at new reps/caseworkers and activists who are interested in becoming more involved within UCU. It will cover all aspects of your role as a rep including your rights as a rep, union democracy, recruitment and communication.  

Reps 2.  13, 20 and 27 June 2025. 9.30am – 4.30pm, online.   
This course is for reps who have completed UCU’s Rep 1, H&S 1, or our introduction to case work and are now actively engaged in representing individual members. The course also assumes you are actively engaged with your branch and understand UCU’s democratic structures both in the branch and nationally. 

UCU Reps have rights to reasonable paid time off for training. You can find out more here or by speaking to your local Branch. UCU will cover transport and accommodation for in person courses.

If you are interested in signing up for any of the courses, or would like some more information, please get in touch with your local branch or the UCU Scotland Team via

Other courses available for 2025 – click here for details and to register.