Contact us and/or join us

UCU is the largest post-school union in the world.  Almost 120,000 of your colleagues have already joined us. UCU works for education that employers and government cannot ignore.  We understand the work you do, and the problems you face. The more members UCU has, the more effective the support and protection will be.

Whether you are an academic, lecturer, trainer, instructor, researcher, administrator, manager, computer staff, librarian or postgraduate from a university, college, prison, adult education or training organisation, UCU is the union for you. (All posts at Grade 6 or above. Grades 1-5 are eligible to join UNISON).

UCU has a telephone joining service so that if you would prefer to join over the telephone you can call the membership team on 0333 207 0719. 03xx numbers are charged at standard rates and are usually included in mobile and landline call packages (though users should check with their own provider). A call to join can take about 8-10 minutes and callers will need to have their bank details (account number and sort code) to hand. Membership is instantly confirmed at the end of the call. Joining online is easily achieved on smartphones and tablet devices. This is an additional method of joining and applications can still be completed online: Please make sure that you are eligible to join by checking the list shown in red above. Please note that there is a small monthly sub charged by each branch, (the revenue from this pays for the local branch administration and other unavoidable branch expenses), on top of the main subscription charge, and also a small political fund element (1% of the national subscription). If you do not wish to pay the 1% political fund element, you will need to opt out of it when joining. To see the current  rates, click here. Subscriptions are tax-deductible as a professional expense. You would receive back a percentage of your subscription’s cost. However, you would need to fill-in a tax return in order to claim it.

To contact us, initially, please email our Administrator:
 Pam McGibbon, UCU Stirling Branch Administrator, Room 3A42, Cottrell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA. Pam currently works mainly from home, all day on Wednesdays and half day on Thursdays, but she will pick up your email during the week. We will be very happy to welcome you to our Branch. If you wish to contact any members of our Executive Committee, you can find their details on the page headed ‘Your UCU Contacts’.